Caleb got home Friday evening! Friday ended up being a relaxing night with no workout. I made a big dinner, rented Inception, and we ate candy!
I have started a “detox.” It is not a detox at all for a normal person, but because of the large amounts of sugar I like to consume every day, I have had to change my candy-addict-lifestyle. Before Christmas, I was eating about a bag of candy a day. Atleast. Since Christmas, I have been able to limit myself on a daily basis and only have tiny bits of candy/sugar as little rewards.
Overall, this past weekend was relaxing. Lulu and I shared our new favorite spot, the Millie Bush Bark Park, with Caleb on Saturday. Caleb and I met a really nice couple there, and we ended up talking with them for about an hour. They had two really pretty labradoodles, and they were so friendly and welcoming. It was nice!
Me and Lu on Saturday. Enjoying a very busy day at the dog park!
After our dog park date, Caleb and I got a run in and had Mexican for dinner later that night.
Sunday morning after church, we went to lunch with Sarah Henderson at Black Walnut (my favorite lunch spot of all time…same place we took my mom after church when she came to visit in December).
Sunday night, we got about a mile swim in at the gym.
We really enjoyed our relaxing weekend at home together!
We really enjoyed our relaxing weekend at home together!
Thankfully, Caleb is working in Houston this week! His office is about 6 miles down Westheimer (the Kingston Pike of Houston) from our apartment. Caleb decided to try out the whole commuting by bike thing this week! Yesterday he biked to and from work in the 40 degree weather we finally have. Once he got home last night, we headed to the gym for a quick run on the treadmill and some weightlifting.
Last night, I cooked a TON of chicken. We had chicken and rice stir-fry last night, I am making chicken tortilla soup tonight, and I will make some chicken salad for sandwiches with whatever is left over.
I have actually stayed really busy since Christmas break. Last week, I of course had a lot of cleaning and organizing to do. I have been applying for jobs (I try to apply for at least one a day). I have been trying to chose the photos that will go in our wedding album (it is SO much harder than it sounds!!). I try to prepare ahead of time and make us good healthy meals constantly. I have been working on my cross stitch I am doing for my grandmother. I have not even had time to write my Christmas thank you notes, write wedding thank you notes, work on my other cross stitch patterns, work on re-staining our dinner table, get some pictures framed, hang other already framed pictures, read my book, find somewhere to volunteer, or even just stay caught up on laundry. It is amazing how there is always so much to be done!
'love the new park and chill time with Caleb. Black Walnut and the Greek restaurant were both amazing! I am thinking that tortilla soup sounds pretty good too. Keep up the good work and the workouts!